Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Still Here

Yes.  In answer to the inquiries, we are STILL in Key West.  Yes, we had planned and hoped to be well on our way by now - off sailing along, exploring new places.  And, to be honest, we are all hankering to leave KW, despite our enduring love for this little island paradise.  We really want to be on our way to foreign ports and foreign adventures.  Boat projects have taken more time than we would like, and Dev’s work back in CA had made demands of his time more than we anticipated, and as a result he’s had to fly back on a number of occasions to take care o’ business.  So, we are still here on our mooring in the harbor.   

But, despite our desire to sail away from here weeks ago, if you’ve got to be “stuck” somewhere for a few months, this aint a bad place to be.  In fact, if you had asked me a year ago if I would like to hang out/live on the boat in Key West for a couple of months I’d have said, no screamed, “Absolutely!  Let’s go!”   It’s a great spot with plenty of interesting things to do, see, and experience.  So, yes, it’s true - we haven’t gone very far in terms of milage yet.  But we ARE cruising.  We ARE experiencing new things, learning and exploring, encountering a variety of wildlife - adventuring - even if we are still in Key West.  And we will be on our way soon enough.

Meanwhile, here’s a little taste of some our Key West Adventures.

A calm morning of fishing.
Another moment of calm.

Butterfly at the Butterfly Museum.

Sophie always wants to get in with us.

Sophie watching the snorkeling boys.

Blowing the conch at sunset.


Swimming at Fort Zachary Taylor State Park beach.

Cannonball Run.

Cannon sitting.

We could have reached in and patted the manatees
swimming off the dingy dock.

Manatee lovin.
Snorkel time.

 Ready for a swim.
Doing the wave.

Catch and release........
......unfortunately for the little fishy, the released became a barracuda meal.

Birds of all kinds, Sea Turtles, Spotted Eagle Rays, Manatees, Dophins.....all things that we see every day.

The end of another beautiful day.  Is that a green flash?

Daily dolphin sightings!

This mama dolphin (we see her with her baby quite often) has an
interestingly deformed fin.
Jamie with his special Atocha coin necklace.
 (Thanks Poppa!)



A series of "northers" have come through.  It gets windy and cold.  Like in the 60's!  Brrrrrr.  :)
Sunset cruisers. 

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  1. Beautiful! You're so right, what a great place to be "stuck."

  2. Alisa, I think of you and your family often. What a wonderful adventure!!

  3. Fantastic family, flora, fauna and manatees, but where are the pics of hotties out of their T's?!
